This is the kumquat tree in my house. The English name “kumquat” derives from the Cantonese. In Thai, it is somchíd (ส้มจี๊ด). Kumquats are known as a tonic and have diuretic and laxative properties.
The differences between orange and kumquat – Orange trees are evergreen trees. They grow 8 to 15 m. high. The kumquat plant is a shrub that grows up to 4m. high. Oranges are eaten by hand and squeezed a lot. Kumquats are eaten raw with the edible skin. The kumquat is like a citrus fruit. It is the most well known of the sort fortunella which is closely related to Citrus.
Why am i writing about an orange and a kumquat? Because I have 4 trainees in my work company during this summer. I think they’re like kumquats. They’re fresh, bright and small. Small in this case means when you’re young and lack of experience, you may feel you’re small. They are raw but you can eat them. They’re valued in their own ways. Why you need to squeeze them and make them be an orange so soon?
Teaching is not easy, especially if you want to create one hell good designer. You gotta rip his ‘art soul’ out of his darkness. You have to teach strong basic to let them grow well. The best way to learn is to work hard at it; the best way to teach is not to let the students notice they’re working hard. Each teacher has her/his personal teaching style, you have to respect not discredit.
“Fruit tree fruit tree…no one knows you but the rain and the air…don’t you worry They’ll stand and stare when you’re gone… Fruit tree, fruit tree open your eyes to another year. They’ll all know that you were here…When you’re gone”.