Nowadays new words or new vocabuaries are born because of internet. I think it’s very creative and clever way. You can find the meaning of these words by using I found some words are interesting.
Blog – The root of this word is “Weblog”. It means a web site (or section of a Web site) where users can post a chronological, up-to-date e-journal entry of their thoughts. You can find more meanings about blog by visiting Keng.Com
Screen-saver face – Slang for the look a person gets on their face when they are bored to the point of shutting down their brain.
I think I have this screen-saver face all the time.
Emoticons – Emotion + icons
emoticons pronounced: e-moh-tih-con
An emoticon is a sequence of typed characters that creates a rough picture of something, such as a facial expression.
Text me – The modern equivalent to “call me,” it refers to asking someone to send you a text message on your instant messaging program.
New words in, old words out. How do new words make it into dictionaries? A word must also be seen to be used over a considerable period of time, with citations spanning a number of years, usually somewhere between two and five. This last criterion is probably the most flexible however.