I listened to Get 102.5, Bangkok Only International Hit Music and I heard an advertisement from Department of Employment that there are unemployment benefits. Insured workers who are entitle for the unemployment benefits must pay the contribution to Social Security Fund al least 6 months within 15 months before quitting the job. However, insured workers should register for unemployment at the Employment Offices to receive unemployment benefits from Social Security Office within 30 days since they quit. If the insured workers delay their register for unemployment more than 30 days the benefits they receive will be calculated according to the day they first register. In case of quitting the job or end of the contract, insured workers will receive benefits, during unemployed, at the rate of 30% of wages not more than 90 days in one year.
I quited my last job more than 2 months ago and become a full time freelancer. I lost my right to get the benefits because I was late to register. How am I possibly know there are benefits like this? I paid the contribution to Social Security Fund every month and I got nothing when I am unemployed. Just because delay my register. It’s ridiculous!
If Ministry of Labour sincerely wants to help unemployed people why there is a condition like this? I have my right to get the benefits, I paid them every month! Does it suck?