Graffiti Sign

Graffiti Sign

IRK” graffiti sign is nothing to do with the bombings in Bangkok. I have no idea why Thai police men brought this point up. Maybe they want to guide people to think it is related to IRK in Afghanistan. I saw a graffiti artist gave an interview on TV said that it is only a graffiti sign “IRIE“, it means to get high. The policemen should feel humiliated. National Police Chief General Kovit even tried to conclude that it is because of Thailand’s southern provinces’ problem. Hell no, I don’t think so man.

I took MRT and work in Silom area. I am afraid of the bombings. Being Thai people is to live our lives risky. I noticed that everyone went home so early today. MRT was not crowded as usual. I like it though.

Read more about this ridiculous IRK here (Thai)

Written by StraightForward

A Visual Designer with passion and love for art and design. Love to travel. Email:


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