I use Window Live Messenger and I can’t live without it. I’m kidding. It’s just that without Window Live Messenger, I would have massive phone bills. It’s free and it’s one of the best tool for communication so far. When I first using chat programs, I use Ichat and ICQ and before that I use Telnet (OMG!). Window Live Messenger is my online social life. It makes me feel I am in touch with everybody, even if we are not talking but just being online.
Sometimes my colleagues and I chat in conference room. It’s fun and it looks like we are working! Couple days ago, I was surprised that May, my JALways colleague added me. I haven’t talked to her for ages. May told me to add Lin. She had a job interview in Silom. She said Kik also works around Silom. We are so closed but we never knew before.
In my list, I have only people I know so I normally don’t accept stranger into my list. Stop trying. Got it?
Anyway I wander into The Little Prince’s blog. He wrote about i’m. i’m is a new initiative from Windows Live™ Messenger. Every time you start a conversation using i’m, Microsoft shares a portion of the program’s advertising revenue with some of the world’s most effective organizations dedicated to social causes. They’ve set no cap on the amount they’ll donate to each organization. The sky’s the limit.
So any time you have an i’m™ conversation using Windows Live Messenger, you help address the issues you feel most passionate about, including poverty, child protection, disease, and environmental degradation. It’s simple. All you have to do is join and start an instant messaging conversation. They’ll handle the donation.
Within Windows Live Messenger, click Tools and select Options. Place the text code corresponding to the cause of your choice into your Display Name.
Text Code | Cause |
*red+u | American Red Cross |
*bgca | Boys & Girls Clubs of America |
*naf | National AIDS Fund |
*mssoc | National Multiple Sclerosis Society |
*9mil | ninemillion.org |
*sierra | Sierra Club |
*help | StopGlobalWarming.org |
*komen | Susan G. Komen for the Cure |
*unicef | The US fund for UNICEF |